The Grand Tour of Tuscany

Pisa, San Gimignano, Leonardo da Vinci’s hometown, family owned winery, all in one day

We are happy to announce a new itinerary available with Massi the Driver, licensed professional NCC driver in Tuscany, as day trip from Florence or Siena.

The Grand Tour of Tuscany is a day trip that will allow to see the Leaning Tower of PisaSan Gimignano, The Leonardo da Vinci Museum and his hometown.

The Best of Tuscany Sight Seeing with Massi the Driver

People come to Italy from all over the world, and Tuscany is definitely a region worth to visiting for few days.
Gary and Karin traveled from California and were visiting italy for their second time. They said this time they were looking for less crowded – off the beaten path activities.
They found good tips and had great help from the FaceBook group Traveling to Italy , a group created by Julie Busa from Massachusetts in 2016, with the goal of connecting people that are travelling to Italy.

I Cinque Errori da Evitare per il Tiramisù

Alzi la mano chi non ha mai assaggiato uno dei dessert più amati d’Italia, ovvero il TIRAMISU’.
Ingredienti facili da reperire, uova, mascarpone, zucchero, caffè, savoiardi e cacao, semplice procedimento, si prepara il pomeriggio per la sera oppure la sera per il giorno dopo e GNAM GNAM!

Ma nonostante la semplicità, può capitare che tutto fili liscio durante la preparazione, ed invece …